康方生物Akeso(9926.HK)| DJSeedin创新合作峰会上市公司路演汇报

关键词: 生物合作路演上市
发布时间: 2022-10-23




公司目前拥有30个以上用于治疗肿瘤、自身免疫、炎症、代谢疾病等重大疾病的创新药物产品管线,其中17个品种进入临床研究,包括两个国际首创的双特异性抗体新药(PD-1/CTLA-4以及PD-1/VEGF)。2022年6月,康方生物全球首个肿瘤双免疫检查点抑制剂开坦尼 (PD-1/CTLA-4双抗,卡度尼利单抗注射液)治疗宫颈癌获批上市。康方生物期望通过高效及突破性的研发创新开发国际首创及同类药物最佳疗法的新药,成为全球领先的生物制药企业。

Akeso, Inc. (9926.HK), established in 2012, is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development, manufacturing and commercialization of new innovative antibody drugs that are affordable to patients worldwide. Since our establishment, the Company has established a comprehensive in-house drug development platform (ACE Platform), encompassing fully integrated drug discovery and development functions, including target validation, antibody drug discovery and development, process development, and GMP-compliant commercial-scale manufacturing. The Company has also successfully established a bi-specific antibody drug development technology platform (Tetrabody Technology Platform). 

The Company currently has a pipeline of over 30 innovative investigative drugs for the treatment of major diseases like cancer and autoimmune diseases, 16 ( including 3 out-licensed) of which have entered the clinical stage, including two first-in-class bi-specific antibody drugs (PD-1/CTLA-4 and PD-1/VEGF). The Company’s vision is to become a global leading biopharmaceutical company through the research and development of breakthrough new drugs that are first-in-class and best-in-class therapies.


2022年11月3-4日,第二届DJSeedin创新合作峰会将正式拉开帷幕。现场将超过60家公司现场路演,分为上市公司路演专场,临床阶段公司专场、早期创新技术公司专场和Innovation Incubate专场,为大家带来企业最新发展动向、技术平台研发进展和临床数据汇报。

现场将聚集500+ 家biotech,pharma,therapeutic R&D,CRO,CDMO,Investment 公司。观众1000+ 人,来自各大药企C-suite、BD和投资机构以及证券公司合伙人、投资总监。

